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What Leaves Change?

As the heat of the summer begins to fade I quietly keep watch for golden leaves that will flood the late afternoon breeze and signal the start of a season of change With a watchful eye, I observe and await the crinkling matter that will cover the street as the heat of the summer begins to fade I quietly watch for golden leaves. Yet though autumnal winds have yet to chase the fragile feathers of the deciduous trees the season of change is already upon me and my own leaves shift their hue each day as the heat of the summer begins to fade A view of the Blue Ridge Mountains from a conference room at Haywood Street Congregation                 It has been a month since I have arrived here in Asheville, and only now am I beginning to see a reddish tint creeping over the leaves.   I’m ready for when the trees here really start to show off the splendor of late fall, as I’ve always enjoyed the way fall looks in the mountain

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